Waste Not, Want Not

When setting up PetBuddy I really wanted to be as ethical as possible and one of the ways to do this is to make sure that our treats are ethically sourced and that our suppliers only work with farmers who treat their animals well in line with regulations and good standards of care.
Another way we can be as ethical as possible is to ensure that as little of the animal is being wasted as needed. Did you know that dogs can eat almost all parts of an animal? Take a buffalo for example, as well as the meat, dogs can eat the tendon, the gullet, skin and even the horns!
Each part of an animal has various health benefits from being great for teeth, bones, brain and heart development and helping to build a stronger immune system. We all want to make sure that our pups are as healthy as they can be and live a long and happy life, and if we can make sure that parts of the animal that can help are used, then it's win win!
Even more obscure parts of the animal like the penis, Pizzle as it's more commonly known, make an amazing long lasting chew! Mila and Enzo absolutely love Pizzle, it lasts ages and it's high in protein which aids muscle and tissue repair as well as being a natural source of Taurine which is perfect for heart health.
What about the bladder? Yep, you guessed it, it makes a delicious treat for dogs, it's naturally high in vitamins and minerals as well as being great for dental hygiene for teeth and gums!
The ears? Yep, perfect for dogs! Rabbit Ears with hair are widely believed to be a great natural dewormer. Pig Snouts? You got it, amazing for dogs, full of natural vitamins and minerals!
There really is very little of the animal that can't be used to make a perfect treat or chew for your pup, so why not check out what else we have, you'll be surprised I'm sure!
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