Kicking off the New Year the right way!

Did you know that January is National Dog Walking Month? A month to set a new walking routine, find new paces to walk, new games to play on walkies and a chance to practice some new training.
Why is walking your dog so important? Walking has so many benefits to both you and your pup, from health benefits for you both, socialisation, a chance for training and bonding and a way to discover new areas. I really love nothing more than getting out with Mila and Enzo, finding a new forest, beach, woods or walking route, and off we go. They love it as much as I do!
What's really important is to make sure that we have all the right gear, poo bags, water bowl, treats and the right apparel for your dog. Whether your dog likes to walk on the collar or a harness, we have it all.
Not only can a good collar be used as away to keep your dog with you, it can also give you confidence when walking your pup
It gives you control over your dog's movements and prevents them from darting away from you. a well fitting collar controls your dog by exerting pressure behind the neck rather than pulling against the trachea.
If you prefer a harness, there are heaps of benefits to this too.
A well designed harness evenly distributes pressure across your dog's chest and torso so that no one area of their body takes the full strain of any force when they're on lead. A well fitting harness can also prevent high impact jolts to the neck if your dog is on a long line or jogging with you on a leash.
Whatever you choose, we have it all, and they are at 50% off, what a bargain! Collars or Harnesses, we have both!
Why not take a look now and make sure your dog is the best dressed in the park!
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