Probiotics and how they can benefit your dog.

What are probiotics and why are they so good for your dog's health?
Essentially probiotics contribute to the good bacteria in your pup's stomach, the ones that are great for enabling proper digestion, boosting immune systems and promoting a happy tum.
When your pup has a bad stomach, their bacterias, good and bad, can be off wack, imbalanced, a bit all over the shop... that's where probiotics come in to help re-address that balance and get your pups tum all harmonious and lovely again!
The main function of probiotics is that they add to a nice healthy gut. But... the good news is that the gut is the home of all things health-related. From a soft and shiny coat, a boosted immune system, better energy levels to better poop and less of those love puffs (farts), probiotics have so many added health benefits.
Probiotics come in many different types, from powders such as VitaFlora to treats such as our delicious Pooch & Mutt Turkey & Hemp Treats. Why not give them a go today?
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